About Me

I am currently a PhD Candidate at Cornell University. I received a BS in Computer Science Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and an MS in Computer Science at Cornell University.

Currently, I am working on systems aspects of blockchain technologies. My projects include measuring and building infrastructure to make permissionless cryptocurrencies faster, exploring different security needs for users of blockchain technologies, and examining the economics of transaction fees. I am advised by Emin Gün Sirer and supported by the NSF GRFP Fellowship. Please feel free to contact me at . My CV can be found here.


Blog Posts



From mining to markets: The evolution of bitcoin transaction fees

Decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum

Falcon Network

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant for CS 4410/CS 4411 (Operating Systems) at Cornell University

Undergraduate Student Instructor for CS 61A (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) at the University of California, Berkeley